All About Body Lotion - Body lotion to improve skin tone

Nourish Mantra

All About Body Lotion - Body lotion to improve skin tone

Is your skin feeling a little less soft and supple than usual? Or your body lotion isn't offering what your skin needs? Then, it's time to look for the Best natural body lotion you can fall in love with. Environmental stressors and lifestyle habits can take a serious toll on your skin. It impacts the body's ability to hold in the moisture that keeps your skin highly elastic, hydrated, increases cell turnover and secures valuable moisture levels to ward off dry, flaky skin and welcome soft and supple skin. With the best body lotion for dry skin, welcome  long-lasting hydration and bid farewell to dryness. 

Buy body lotion with rose

Body lotion
Body lotion is your daily dose of nourishment, hydration and moisturization to your skin. This spectacular body care product is formulated with natural and hydrating ingredients that make your skin soft, healthy and glowing. It is designed to hold onto moisture and restrict it from leaving by locking the skin pores. Also, it fetches the moisture from the environment that keeps your skin feeling soft, smooth, supple and hydrated all day. Instead of using a face moisturizer, get the best natural body lotion which is richer and smoother in texture. These two features give your skin adequate nourishment. 

Body lotion according to the skin type

Applying body lotion gives you the skin of your dream. It makes your skin look youthful, healthy and glowing. But it is important to know that you should choose your moisturizing body lotion according to your skin type. It is because every skin is different and so are their requirements.

  • For dry skin
  • When your skin appears to be dry, flaky and causes itchiness, you should go for a body lotion that is heavier in texture and nourishes your skin. It should glide and melt in the skin easily and hydrate it from the inside out.

  • For oily skin
  • It is a myth that oily skin types don't need body lotion. Oily skin also needs a hydrating and moisturizing body lotion. Go for a lightweight, non-comedogenic, non greasy lotion that won't show unwanted shine, messy stickiness and clogs the skin pores. 

  • For sensitive skin
  • This skin type is more prone to skin reactions. When choosing the Best Body lotion for sensitive skin, the prerequisite should be that it does not contain any fragrance or harsh ingredients. This skin type should do a patch test before trying any new product.

  • For normal skin
  • One of the blessed skin types that can use a nourishing yet lightweight moisturizer. A thin creamy body lotion will keep this skin type supple. 

    Whether you look at Body lotion for summer and winter or according to your skin type, it should be free from chemicals. Using chemical indulged body lotion will irritate your skin and cause rashes and harm it from within. It will be very painful for those with dry or sensitive skin, especially during harsh dry winters. While choosing a lotion for yourself, keep a hawk-eye on the ingredients. The body lotion formulation should be of ingredients that have natural hydration. 

    Why and when does your skin dry out?

    You need moisturizing and Hydrating body lotion for winter and summer because your skin becomes dry. But this dryness does not only come due to environmental changes but there are an array of reasons attached to it. Here are the most common causes of skin dryness:

  • Winter
  • In this weather, your skin is prone to dryness as the cooler days, freezing nights and harsh winds draw out the moisture from the skin. In addition, you may enjoy hot showers and heaters, but they also make your skin dry. It zaps the moisture making your skin dry, patchy, flaky and inflamed.

  • Summer
  • It is not only the winter season that makes your skin dry, but the summer sun also spills out the beans by rushing out moisture from your skin. High temperatures and harmful UV rays can dehydrate your skin.

  • Water
  • Your body needs to be hydrated 24/7. Not drinking the required amount of water will lead to dehydration, leaving the skin dry. Hydration is the key. Keeping yourself hydrated from the inside will reflect healthy skin outside.

  • Medication
  • If you are on medications, you may see a drop in moisture levels in some cases. It is best to consult the doctor and religiously follow their advice to keep your skin moisturized and healthy.

  • Lifestyle factors
  • Stress and dietary habits like eating junk, fried food or having too much salt in your food will greatly impact the skin's moisture levels. 

    Things to remember while choosing body lotion

    5 things that you should keep in mind while choosing the best moisturizing Body lotion for summer and winter are:

  • Texture
  • If you are buying moisturizing body lotion for winter, it should be heavier in texture and the lightweight formula goes well in summer. 

    Heavy body lotion in winter will play a vital role, i.e, repair and rejuvenation. It heals the damaged skin and stimulates new skin cell generation for brighter, youthful-looking skin.

    Lightweight body lotion in summer will not bind the skin's natural oils and clogs the skin pores; this would reduce the chances of future acne breakouts.

  • Formula
  • The environmental stressors squeeze the skin's natural oils and moisture, leaving your skin dull and dry. It is recommended to look out for a formulation that instantly gets absorbed into the skin, making it soft and supple and controlling the loss of moisture. 

  • Ingredients
  • This should be a crucial factor when looking for a moisturizing lotion. It is advisable to look for one which is jammed with natural goodness. 

    Winter body lotion should have ingredients that smoothen the extreme dryness, keep the skin barrier intact, and replenish the skin's moisture.

    Summer body lotion should have ingredients high in hydration, attract moisture to your dry skin, and give a refreshing feel. 

  • Fragrance
  • Choose a body lotion with a natural yet mild fragrance, as it may or may not suit your skin type. It will make you feel refreshed and hydrated all day. Get one made up of natural ingredients like saffron, rose petals or water, cocoa, moringa etc.

  • Check labels
  • Many products are floating in the market with harmful ingredients that may harm the skin. Go for a body lotion that is made of natural ingredients and mentions safety labels such as "Dermatologically-Tested," "Cruelty-Free," and "Made safe Approved." 

    Facts about body lotion

    • It is lighter than body butter and body cream.
    • It gets absorbed quickly, spreads easily and feels light on the skin.
    • It moisturizes the oily skin types perfectly.
    • It has emollients and humectants as moisturizing ingredients. 
    • It also has vitamin E and essential fatty acids that keeps the skin hydrated and protects natural skin barriers.
    • It is best to use on arms, neck and legs.
    • It is mostly made of water, oil and moisturizing ingredients that's why it is thinner in consistency.

    7 Best ingredients to look for in body lotion

    The body lotion formulation should have the following must-have ingredients:

  • Peptides
    • They are amino acids.
    • It boosts the production of collagen.
    • Applying it topically via body lotion will diminish the appearance of wrinkles gradually.
    • A study also found that this wonderful ingredient slashes down several skin conditions symptoms such as rosacea, dermatitis and psoriasis.
  • Essential fatty acids
    • Look for omega-3 and omega-6 enriched ingredients present in your body lotion.
    • Lack of essential fatty acids can result in skin conditions.
    • Essential fatty acids are found in flaxseeds, avocado, cotton seed oil, olive oil, safflower oil, etc.
  • Vitamin E
    • You may see it on a label as vitamin E acetate or tocopherol.
    • It hydrates skin, promotes healthy elasticity and defends against free radicals.
    • It is the best anti-aging and moisturizing ingredient.
  • Sodium PCA (pyroglutamic acid)
    • It is an effective humectant.
    • It binds the moisture to your skin cells and prevents dry skin.
    • It has anti-aging benefits and reduces inflammation.
    • It attracts moisture from the air to hydrate your skin.
  • Ceramides
    • They are lipid molecules that seal in moisture and protect the skin. 
    • They are present in your body but diminish as you age.
    • It can be restored by applying it topically, which refills the moisture in your skin barrier.
  • Glycerin
    • It is a humectant.
    • It attracts and retains the skin's moisture.
    • It also increases the optimum level of hydration. 
  • Various antioxidants
    • They fight free radicals, cell damage and wrinkles.
    • They keep skin healthy and retain moisture and function appropriately.
    • Antioxidants such as retinol, niacinamide, vitamin C, polyphenols, resveratrol etc. 

    Soft Nirvana Body Lotion

    Benefits of using body lotion

    Dehydration, dullness and dryness can happen at any time of the year. It becomes essential to indulge in moisturizing body lotion in your daily skincare routine. It should be handy as nothing pampers and protects you from skin mishaps caused due to seasonal and environmental stressors. The enriched formulation of the body lotion will feed your skin whatever it needs, thereby hydrating the skin layers and reducing dryness. 

    Skincare experts also suggest that body lotion is a must-have product and should be used daily without a miss. It is an indispensable skin care product for all seasons. It not only moisturizes & hydrates the skin but also makes your skin appear plump, glowing, toned, nourished, firmed and fights against all aging ills. 

  • Mastered in rehydrating the skin
  • Skin that is dry and chapped due to overexposure to environmental aggressors can be hard to cover up with your tips & tricks of using makeup products. Rather than covering them up, use a body lotion with rose, gotu kola, glycerine, shea butter etc, to transmit what your skin requires the most "Hydration." It becomes vital for people who have sensitive skin as their skin can become parched and irritated irrespective of the climate conditions, even the indoor heat, calls for an urgent need for the Best body lotion for sensitive skin. There are a variety of body lotions available in the one; go by the one which is made with naturally hydrating ingredients. Applying it daily after taking a shower or bath, it glides easily, goes deeply and seals moisture in the skin to make you look suppled and hydrated. 

  • Refuel, recharge and replenish
  • Be it any skin type, you might face roughness on your body on a particular part, like around the elbows, knuckles or knees. These areas can benefit from applying body lotion daily after bath and bedtime. It will help refuel the skin with nourishment, recharge with the burst of hydration, and replenish moisture. 

  • Drenches calluses and turns into smooth skin
  • Taking too much work from your feet may develop rough calluses that are painful and ugly. A nourishing and moist body lotion can make these hard and unattractive areas supple and gradually improve their texture by efficiently removing dead skin. It will also heal and cure the flakiness and itchiness on the feet. 

  • Aroma that lingers all day 
  • People love the creamy texture of body lotion on their tired & stressed skin and also enjoy the relaxing sensation of the lotion applied all over your body. It amplifies your skin texture and personality. 

  • Stay calm, relaxed and happy
  • Even if your skin doesn't show any sign of needing intense moisturization, you should also use body lotion. Take it in your hands and massage it gently on your body. It brings a sensory warmth when applied. Massaging the skin with steady circular rotations reduces stress, lessens pain and boosts endorphins (a hormone) that makes you feel great. That feeling you get while running your hands on your moisturized skin with no flaws will make you happy. 

  • Firms the uneven parts of your skin
  • If you shave your legs or have rough hands and cracked heels then body lotion is your savior. Applying body lotion to these areas will give you a comfort of life. 

  • Reveal a younger and brighter skin
  • Massaging body lotion religiously will improve the blood circulation in your body and makes you look radiant than ever. Benefits of using the Best body lotion for younger looking skin is not limited to fighting anti-aging signs but also it improves the skin elasticity, repair & regenerates the skin cells, cures dullness & patchy skin and smooth & supple skin. 

    How to use body lotion?

    • There is no particular way to use body lotion. Hydration body lotion or daily body moisturizer will work best on damp skin. You can re-apply your Best body lotion to improve skin tone, boost moisture, refill hydration, enhance elasticity, and diminish the signs of aging. 
    • Re-application also soothes skin dryness, but the ideal body lotion is the one that quickly melts in the skin and nourishes it effectively. Slathering your skin with body lotion after a bath or shower will give the desired results. It would be best to use it before bedtime, which heals the skin overnight. 
    • You should also keep in mind not to overuse it as you may experience skin dullness. It can also disrupt the natural hydration of the skin and clog pores.
    • It is an integral part of your daily skincare routine, irrespective of weather changes and skin type.  

    Nourish Mantra's body lotion for all skin types

  • Mystic Indian Rose Body Lotion
  • A luxurious skin lotion formulated with coconut oil, rose water, shea butter and Niacinamide. The buttery base of our body lotion gives you a potion that nourishes skin, combats dryness and makes skin glowy. Vitamin A & E in coconut oil targets the signs of aging. Rose water is a highly rejuvenating ingredient that heals scars and redness. Shea butter seals in the moisture, keeping the skin hydrated for a long time. 

  • Soft Nirvana Body Lotion
  • A single stroke of this exquisite body lotion will deliver much-needed hydration and refreshment. A therapeutic massage with this body lotion formulated with coconut oil, gotu kola and shea butter will make your skin irresistibly supple & radiant, stimulates collagen synthesis & maintains youthful skin, restores skin firmness and deeply moisturizes the skin.  

    Mystic Indian Rose Body Lotion


  • Why is it important to use body lotion?
  • Irrespective of the seasons, using body lotion will nourish your skin, reduce signs of aging and leave skin soft and smooth.

  • What is the best time to apply body lotion?
  • The best time to apply body lotion is after taking a bath on damp skin and at bedtime.

  • Is it necessary to moisturize everyday with body lotion?
  • Yes, you should moisturize daily to keep skin woes at bay. Use body lotion with natural ingredients that are suitable for all skin types.